Dance & Drama (Performing Arts)
Dance aims and ambitions:
Provides a cultural education which sparks creativity throughout the curriculum and encourages young people to be inquisitive, disciplined and determined.
Provides young people with a positive, lifelong relationship with the arts and physical activity.
Is coherent, purposeful and progressive and enable children and young people to experience the roles of creator, performer, audience, critic and leader.
Subject Leader: Mrs. Nevin
Please see below the Dance Curriculum Map and the Curriculum Summaries for Year 7 - 9.
The Curriculum Summaries for Performing Arts as a whole (Dance and Drama) in Year 7 through to Year 13 are all in here:
Y7 - 13 Performing Arts Curriculum Summaries
Year 7 Dance Curriculum Summaries
Year 8 Dance Curriculum Summaries
Year 9 Dance Curriculum Summaries
Drama Aims and Ambitions:
Our DRAMA Curriculum is designed to be a powerful learning tool for teaching students about different perspectives, it shows them how to have empathy. By playing with different genres, theatre practitioners’ ideas, drama techniques and skills student will gain creativity and confidence. Drama is the perfect vehicle to develop vital skills of independence, appreciation, concentration, communication, cooperation, creativity and critical thinking. Knowledge and skills are introduced and regularly revisited, enabling confidence and accomplishment to develop. Drama is taught over three half-terms before they move onto the subject of Dance. Students may opt for Performing Arts Acting at KS4, where they have three hours of lesson per work whilst working towards their KS4 qualification.
To develop students’ skills in speaking, listening and communication.
- To foster their confidence and promote wellbeing and self-esteem.
- To learn a set of drama techniques and skills which support presentation skills.
- Develop empathy skills.
- Develop appreciation of the art form of drama and theatre.
- Develop an appreciation of theatre practitioner’s work.
- Develop strong teamwork skills.
- Develop imagination and creativity and critical thinking through the application of drama techniques and skills.
- To foster the students cultural capital and support knowledge from other subjects i.e. History, English and all the Arts.
Subject Leader: Mrs Oliver
Year 7 Drama Curriculum Summaries
Year 8 Drama Curriculum Summaries
Year 9 Drama Curriculum Summaries
Please see Drama Curriculum Map