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Introduction to SEND at Glossopdale

We are proud that Glossopdale is an inclusive school and welcomes students who have a wide range of additional needs. A range of teaching styles is used to meet the demands of different subjects and different learning styles, interests and aptitudes of our students. We have a very experienced support team who ensure appropriate help is available both within lessons and through smaller group or individual work. We also offer support to students with physical and sensory needs, learning difficulties and emotional behaviour difficulties.

We believe that SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disability) is not about a label or diagnosis; it is defined by a student’s presentation of need and the amount of support that is needed to help them to make progress in their education and achieve their full potential.  

We recognise that each student is unique and therefore the support that they require should be personalised to their needs.

We work closely with students, parents/carers and outside agencies to: 

Create an environment in which students with SEND can fulfil their potential 
Enable students with SEND to function as independently as possible within the school environment and the outside world 
Create a partnership in which the school, home and other agencies work together for the benefit of students with SEND. 
We know that many families have experienced difficulty in getting the right support in place for their child and aim to work with you to remove these barriers. We understand that SEND is a complex area, full of jargon and statutory processes, and that this can make it difficult for parents and students to navigate.

Links to the FocusELearning Science Resource and the User Guide for Docs Plus

Please find here, subject specific, useful links

FocusElerning Science Link

Docs plus User guide for The chrome book

SEND Contacts 

If you have a query related to SEND, please contact us via

If you have a general query or one related to a particular subject, please contact the Year Head or the subject teacher. Details can be found within contact us.

Ms L Barnfather

Associate Assistant Head SEND and Inclusion

Mrs T Smith

SEND Manager

Role of a Link TA

A link TA provides a key contact to school, they are currently assigned to those children who have an EHCP.

The Link TA will have fortnightly contact with a parent, to understand if there are any concerns or issues which need addressing regarding their SEND needs in school.

We are currently evaluating how we can develop our Link TA system.

How will Glossopdale know if a student needs help ?

Glossopdale is committed to early identification of SEND. We ensure that our staff understand that SEND is not only highlighted by attainment and that all of our students have different strengths and areas to develop. Therefore, our SEND team: 

  • Work closely with our pastoral team and teaching staff to promote a holistic approach to support, ensuring that we identify and support students needs and respond effectively to any concerns raised about social, emotional or academic progress 
  • Work closely with local primary schools to ensure we are aware of any additional needs of students making the transition from primary school to Glossopdale
  • Communicate with parents and students to respond to any concerns raised 
  • Regularly observe students 
  • Review data for students in Year 7 to ascertain literacy and numeracy need  
  • Use progress data to identify students who are working below expectations 
  • Scrutinise progress data and the impact of interventions.

What do I do if I think my child needs extra help?

If you think your child needs extra support, please reach out to our SEND Team :

We will then follow the process below:

1.We will speak with you and listen to your concerns.
2.We will then liaise with your child’s teachers/year managers and discuss your concerns and gain feedback from them.

We will then come back to you to discuss our findings and next steps with you.

Transition from Primary School

At Glossopdale, the Assistant Headteacher, Mrs Gilbert, Year 7 Year Manager and Year 7 Head of Year work closely with local primary schools to ensure we are aware of any additional needs of students making the transition from primary school to Glossopdale.

In SEND Mrs Smith visits all local primary school to discuss any needs of students with the Primary SENCOs. Students with SEND needs are invited for extra visits to school to support their transition so that the SEND department can get to know your child before they start.

We know the transition from primary to secondary is daunting for parents and children, so we recommend that you go to local open evenings when your child is in Y5 and again in Y6.  We are always happy to have 1:1 sessions and can accommodate individual tours as needed.

To find out more you can email

Year 9 Options 

Our approach to the curriculum also complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2014. For further information on how we ensure the curriculum is accessible to those with disabilities or special educational needs, please see the Send Policy in this area of the website.  

Access arrangements for GCSEs are tested from the end of year 9 onwards. This is because there needs to be the completion of a Form 8 that states the arrangements the students is entitled to. This is only valid for 26 months, hence the timescale for testing.

Some access arrangements are also put in place for assessments in KS3 such as access to a shared reader and rest breaks for students with need.

Useful information for parents

Useful information

Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service (DIASS) - provides independent information, advice and support to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), as well as their parents and carers.   They are a great free resource that can help with things like parental EHCP applications, they can help you find the information you need to make informed decisions and can attend meetings with you.

Tel: 01629 533668


Derbyshire Local Offer - How can I find information on the local authority’s Local Offer of services and provision for children and young people with special educational needs and disability?


Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for Children - may help with the extra costs of looking after a child who:

is under 16
has difficulties walking or needs much more looking after than a child of the same age who does not have a disability

They will need to meet all the eligibility requirements.


Local Support Groups

Our Gang: Glossop Autistic & Neurodivergent Youth Group –

public facebook group for Glossop autistic/ADHD and neurodivergent children.  They also have a youth group which runs every Friday night (term time) for children aged 7-14 years to play, have fun, flap, chat about their special interest, be their authentic self and be around other neurodivergent people who completely accept them.



Glossopdale School & Sixth Form

Glossopdale School, Newshaw Ln, Hadfield, Glossop SK13 2DA