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Students Personal Development



At Glossopdale School, we believe Personal Development is essential for a student to have good health, wellbeing and prepare them for adult life in society.  Personal Development is not about the promotion of any ideals, it is about strengthening the knowledge, skills and connections to keep our students healthy and safe and to prepare them for life and work.


Glossopdale School is committed to providing a planned programme of Personal Development education for all students in Years 7-13 in partnership with external agencies.

The Department for Education (DfE) states that "all schools should make a plan for PSHE, drawing on good practice"] and that PSHE education is "an important and necessary part of all pupils' education".

At Glossopdale we are fully committed to PD, as we believe  it not only supports pupils' health, relationships and wellbeing but also their academic attainment. A DfE review of PSHE education provision found a range of positive outcomes, including improved attitudes to health, being able to deal with personal difficulties and improved behaviour.

Personal Development involves a combination of acquiring knowledge and information, sharing information, developing skills, and exploring issues, beliefs, attitudes and values.     The knowledge and attributes gained will support our students' and others’ well being and attainment and help Glossopdale’s students to become successful and happy adults who make a meaningful contribution to society.  The curriculum is delivered through many ways across the school and is the foundation of our thriving culture.

Delivery at Glossopdale

Year 7 Curriculum for PD

Year 8 Curriculum for PD

Year 9 Curriculum for PD

Year 10 Curriculum for PD

Year 11 Curriculum for PD

Thrive Days

One of the ways PD is delivered is through our Thrive Days.  The following are examples of the first two days for 2023-24.

Year 8 7th November 2023

Year 7 10th November 2023


All staff contribute to Personal Development through their roles as form tutors and subject teachers. The Personal Development Curriculum is planned, monitored and evaluated by the Director and Asst Director of  Personal Development (Years 7 to 11) in consultation with the Asst. Headteacher for Personal Development and KS3.   The Post 16 programme is planned by the Assistant Principal for Post 16 in consultation with the Director of Personal Development and Post 16 Leader. 

Assessment and Accreditation

The school is currently working towards the Derbyshire School award for Drugs and SRE (Sex and Relationship Education).  An LGBTQ+ award is also coming.


Partnerships and useful website links

Our partnerships are continuing to grow and flourish.  These partnerships include:

Derbyshire Children’s services - SRE and Drugs advisors

Derbyshire Education Business Partnership


School Nurses


School  nurses text message service- Chat health

Glossop Business Network

Speakers for schools


BBC Bitesize

Young Minds

Bright Futures

Barclays Life skills

Crossroads Derbyshire

GM Higher

The Careers and Enterprise Company

PSHE Association

Drug Sense UK

Outspoken Sex Ed

A Parents’ Guide to Relationships and Sex Education



We also have support from other guest speakers including:

Robert Largan MP

Sheffield University

Hazel Chaisty (GB Paralypian)

Debbie Lees

Derbyshire Constabulary

North West Ambulance Service

Derbyshire Fire Service


Monitoring, Review and Evaluation

The Director of Personal Development reports regularly to the School Leadership Team and Governors.  Feedback is gained from the students through evaluation sheets (via Google Forms), Student Council and the Student Leaders.  Quality Assurance is ascertained through regular learning walks during Tutor Period and Staff Consultation.  From Sept 2021, students  have PD Exercise books which will also feed into the monitoring, reviewing and evaluation process.

Parental access to Personal Development Guidance

Parents can contact the school for advice via the Director of Personal Development in school using the following methods:

Claire Dunkerley (Director)


Phone: 01457 862336 Ext 143

Sex and Relationships Parent Forum Slides:

See attached link

Student Leadership

We have a strong Student Leadership Team at Glossopdale School and Sixth Form.  Students apply for and are appointed to assist in a range of whole school activities, both within the school and the wider community.

Head Students, Prefects, Student Leaders and Personal Development Ambassadors make up our Student Leadership Team.  They contribute to many activities including morning line up, Student Council, library ambassadors, lunchtime duties, guides, charity events, assemblies and extra curricular clubs and ambassadors.

Aims of Student Leadership

  • To enable students to take ownership of their education at Glossopdale School and Sixth Form

  • To enable students feel a sense of pride in their achievements

  • To develop and strengthen student engagement 

  • To improve positive self esteem

  • To contribute to whole school improvement 

  • To shape the leaders of the future

Roles in Student Leadership

Head Student

Year 11 and Post 16 students apply for and are appointed to the role of Head Student.  They work with the Director of Personal Development to run Student Council and have an input into issues that affect a student’s experience at Glossopdale.  They are a member of the Prefect Team and run Student Council in the absence of the Student Leader. They report to SLT periodically where students’ observations and concerns are relayed.


Student Leadership Team

The Student Leadership Team consists of Head Students, the Student Leaders, PD Ambassadors and Prefects.  Students are trained in positive behaviour, communication with students and body language.  There are 20 students from KS4 on the team from year 10 and 11 and a further 5 from post 16.

The student leadership team work alongside the Head Students on projects with Student Council, Wellbeing Ambassadors, morning line up, buddy readers, lunchtime duties and assemblies, to name but a few.


Student Council

Students apply to be a member of the Student Council from all year groups.  This Council provides a means of student expression and gives students the opportunity, in all year groups, to experience leadership.

The Student Council aims to promote Education, Citizenship and Cultural values through a variety of activities.  They also provide a regular Student Voice and feedback to the Student Leadership Team.

Student Leadership Ladders

Student Leadership focuses on the elements of THRIVE as it allows students, through hard work and tenacity, to become independent individuals who can become responsible citizens, with a vision for excellence in their chosen future.


The leadership ladder can be started in Year 7 and completed throughout the following years.  Students work through each level and show evidence of: Hard Work and Responsibility for the Bronze award; Independence and Visionary for Silver and Excellence for Gold. 


Finally, Tenacity is the pinnacle and earning this entitles students to full THRIVE leadership status. Students are able to display their achievements with pride.  For each award, they will earn a tie pin in the relevant colour.

Mental Health Ambassadors

Our student Mental Health Ambassadors scheme began in 2019 and has grown and developed since.  Students who have an interest in this area are trained to recognise other students who may be struggling with their mental health and/or wellbeing.  In doing so, they can direct them to the right person to support, or agencies and apps such as Kooth, Young Minds or CalmHarm.  They work proactively together and with designated staff members  and are peer led to ensure that Glossopdale School and Sixth Form is a place where social and emotional and mental health is given a priority.

Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

There is a need for a planned programme of activities, learning and support to be delivered to young people to enable them to make decisions and plan their careers.   Careers education refers to a planned programme of activities within the curriculum that helps young people to gain the knowledge and understanding, and develop the skills and confidence, to make successful choices, manage transitions in learning and move into work.   Information Advice and guidance (IAG) enables individuals to use the knowledge and skills developed through careers education to make the decisions about learning and work that are right for them.   Information about this can be found on our website at the following link: Careers and Advice page



Glossopdale School & Sixth Form

Glossopdale School, Newshaw Ln, Hadfield, Glossop SK13 2DA