Modern Languages
Aims and ambitions:
- To develop students’ skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing in French.
- To develop their confidence, to improve their spontaneity and fluency, to communicate for a variety of practical purposes relevant to a student of this age.
- Develop an awareness of the phonics of French to aid pronunciation.
- Develop an awareness of the culture in French-speaking Countries
- Develop a positive attitude towards learning foreign languages.
- Identify grammatical patterns in French
- Redraft writing to improve content and accuracy
- Use knowledge of English when learning French.
- Use language creativity and imaginatively to express feelings and thoughts.
- Give extended sentences illustrating opinions.
- Use high order language structures to develop written and spoken work
Subject Leader: Mrs. Cloarec
Please click on these links to see the curriculum summeries for each year group:
Aims and ambitions:
- Identify grammatical patterns in German
- Redraft writing to improve content and accuracy
- Use knowledge of English when learning German
- Use language creativity and imaginatively to express feelings and thoughts
- Develop an awareness of the culture in German Speaking Countries
- Give extended sentences illustrating opinions
- Use high order language structures to develop written and spoken work
Subject Leader: Mrs. Cloarec