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Parental Consent for Administration of Medicine(s)

This form must be completed by the parent/carer of a child to request that drugs be administered under the supervision of school staff, or where a child brings medicine into School (or on a school trip) which the child will self-administer.

The School will not administer or hold medicine for your child unless we hold a completed form.

For long term medication, the form will be reviewed annually. If your child's dosage changes, it is the parent/carer's responsibility to update the School at which point you may be asked to complete and submit a new form.

If you need help to complete this form, please email or ring the School on 01457 862336.

Parental Consent for Administration of Medicine(s)


Glossopdale School & Sixth Form

Glossopdale School, Newshaw Ln, Hadfield, Glossop SK13 2DA