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School Improvement Plan

Strategic Vision

BY 2024 Glossopdale will be a school…

Where we have the highest expectations of students and ourselves, where every student is expected to work hard, behave well and contribute positively to the school community.

Where everyone values learning; students are curious, open-minded and intrinsically motivated to learn, having effective learning habits and the unswerving belief that they can always improve.

Where our students make exceptional progress and leave us with a set of examination results of which they can be proud and with the personal skills, values and character traits to thrive

That delivers an enriching and challenging curriculum which results in students exceeding themselves in both academically and personally, being exceptionally well prepared for their chosen path.

 Where we have highly effective, evidence-based teaching, learning and assessment, where we collaborate as a whole staff to persistently improve our pedagogy and where we evaluate our practice habitually.

Where we have the very best training programme for our staff, where all staff and leaders are fully invested in their continued professional development, where every single colleague has a high quality development programme mapped out for them the moment they join our school.

That is inclusive, where every student fully feels that they belong. Where we work hard to remove any barriers to learning and where all students are supported to succeed academically, personally and socially.

Where we have the unqualified support of our parents, where parents have the highest aspirations for their children and where they work with us in ensuring they receive an exceptional education.

 Where staff wellbeing is highly valuedwhere every single one of us is wholly committed to our work but has time to enjoy life beyond school, benefitting from a healthy work/life balance.

 That lives by a core set of values, directing our every interaction so they become the school’s DNA.

 Where we have the highest reputation for excellence and the best teachers and support staff want to come and work here – and students from all around want to come and learn here – because they know they will thrive.


To aspire, endeavour and thrive together.


To develop in each of our students the academic skills, learning habits, values and character traits necessary to thrive and achieve excellence.


At Glossopdale School we place great emphasis on building strong character traits in all of our students. We firmly believe that strength of character is the fundamental cornerstone of academic success. 

We have used the word THRIVE as an acronym to encapsulate our values.

T - Tenacity

H - Hard work

R - Responsibility

I - Independence

V - Visionary

E - Excellence


Learning Habits

Students who succeed at our school do so because they take pride in their work all the time and they develop great learning habits:


P – Punctual

R – Reliable

E – Equipped

P – Proud

A – Attentive

R – Respectful

E – Engaged


Success Criteria

Craft and embed a school culture of high expectations and aspiration where all staff and students have pride, a sense of belonging to the school and where motivation to succeed and celebration of success are the norm.


Attendance will be above national average for all students and PA below national average for all including DisAd & SEND students

All students make exceptional progress from their starting points (P8 is consistently above 0 for all students including DisAd)

The % of students completing the full Ebacc is in line with the national average

The number of behaviour incidents is markedly reduced so that it doesn't negatively impact on learning.

Recruitment into the sixth form improves with at least 60% of the Y11 cohort making Glossopdale their first choice

Staff retention is high

Staff absence is below national average

External review by the Trust or Ofsted of ‘behaviour, attendance and welfare’ and personal development confirms ‘good’ judgement against the Ofsted framework.

Develop and embed a precisely planned curriculum aligned to the whole school curriculum vision.



Attainment will be above national average in all subjects

Destination data demonstrates that the % of students in sustained education, employment & apprenticeships is in line with or above the national average.

External review by the Trust or Ofsted of the quality of education confirms leaders’ views

a)  of a ‘good’ judgement against the Ofsted framework.

b)  all faculties have an effectively planned and sequenced curriculum map using the principles of cognitive science, pedagogical content knowledge and assessment design.

Create and embed a cohesive team of progressive leaders who practise mastery, autonomy and purpose.


External review by the Trust or Ofsted of leadership confirms senior leaders' view of a ‘good’ judgement against the Ofsted framework.

Staff voice confirms strong support for leadership.

Performance management objectives are challenging and achieved by all leaders.

Career progression, internal and external, is well mapped and supported.

Training and development of leaders leads to all with a TLR or on UPS effectively lead, monitor and evaluate a whole school area of improvement.

The school budget has an in year surplus.

Create and embed a culture of professional growth so that all staff strive to improve to be highly effective in their roles. 

Significant increase in the uptake of self-directed CPD.

Staff survey shows increase in staff feeling valued and improved opportunities for training and development.

An increased % of staff partake in nationally recognised qualifications to improve behaviour and T&L eg. NPQs.

Create and embed effective support and provision for our high tariff behaviour students.


% of NEET students will be below national average.

Fixed term exclusions including DisAd and SENK are below national average.

% of students that attend alternative provision are successfully re-integrated back into mainstream lessons.

Students leave alternative provision and gain qualifications and skills which prepare them for their next steps.

Glossopdale School & Sixth Form

Glossopdale School, Newshaw Ln, Hadfield, Glossop SK13 2DA